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- "advantageous"
- "helpful"
- "A well-balanced diet will be"
- "advantageous to your health."
- ""
- "Joe found it ____________ to get"
- "good grades."
- ""
- "audacious"
- "daring"
- "The audacious bike rider performed"
- "several dangerous stunts."
- ""
- "He was known as one of the most"
- "_________ stuntmen in Hollywood."
- ""
- "august"
- "dignified"
- "George Washington's august mansion is"
- "visited by millions of Americans."
- ""
- "The ______ Jefferson monument is "
- "one of the most beautiful in the"
- "land."
- "bland"
- "mild"
- "Potatoes have a bland taste."
- ""
- ""
- "Rice and macaroni are _____ foods;"
- "they have a mild taste."
- ""
- "constant"
- "not changing"
- "The constant rain made the day very"
- "dreary."
- ""
- "The drummer did not stop; his"
- "________ playing continued throughout"
- "the afternoon."
- "drastic"
- "harsh or extreme"
- "* has made drastic changes"
- "in our vacation plans."
- ""
- "This serious situation calls for"
- "_______ action on my part."
- ""
- "exhausted"
- "tired out"
- "The runner was exhausted after the"
- "marathon."
- ""
- "After eight hours of swimming,"
- "the man was _________. "
- ""
- "humid"
- "damp"
- "Hot and humid summer days in Florida"
- "are very uncomfortable."
- ""
- "The air is dry in Southern California;"
- "it is not _____."
- ""
- "industrious"
- "hard-working"
- "* is an industrious student. "
- ""
- ""
- "Stick to your work, because the"
- "___________ student gets ahead."
- ""
- "ingrained"
- "not easily changed"
- "* has an ingrained hatred "
- "of cauliflower."
- ""
- "John's love for Susan has lasted"
- "years; it seems as though it is"
- "_________ in his heart."
- "laborious"
- "difficult and slow"
- "Start your term paper early because it"
- "will take a lot of laborious research."
- ""
- "Homework may at times seem boring"
- "and _________, but it must be done."
- ""
- "lenient"
- "not strict"
- "The lenient teacher gave no homework."
- ""
- ""
- "My mother is quite _______, I am"
- "allowed to do what ever I want."
- ""
- "luscious"
- "delicious"
- "John enjoys luscious desserts after"
- "dinner. "
- ""
- "Chocolate pudding is even more"
- "________ than cake."
- ""
- "meddlesome"
- "interfering"
- "My meddlesome neighbor always concerns"
- "herself with other people's business."
- ""
- "I wish my brother would not be so"
- "__________."
- ""
- "melancholy"
- "sad and gloomy"
- "A sad television show can put you in"
- "a melancholy mood."
- ""
- "Sam was a __________, sad man after"
- "his wife died."
- ""
- "perplexed"
- "puzzled"
- "John has a perplexed expression when"
- "he sees a difficult vocabulary word."
- ""
- "Batman was _________ by the Riddler's"
- "curious methods."
- ""
- "portable"
- "easily carried"
- "I always take my portable radio with"
- "me when I go to the beach."
- ""
- "I like light television sets that"
- "are ________ and run on batteries."
- ""
- "repulsive"
- "very unpleasant"
- "The repulsive odor of tear gas made"
- "me ill."
- ""
- "Fish bait is not only disgusting, it"
- "is _________ to some people."
- ""
- "ruddy"
- "red and healthy-looking"
- "The lumberjack had a ruddy complexion"
- "from spending many hours outdoors."
- ""
- "From days spent in the sun and wind,"
- "the sailor develops a _____ complexion."
- ""
- "savage"
- "untamed"
- "The savage animal could not be tamed."
- ""
- ""
- "That dog is not as tame as Betty"
- "thinks; the ______ beast bit me. "
- ""
- "serene"
- "calm and peaceful"
- "John enjoys the many serene lakes of"
- "the Sierra Nevada mountains."
- ""
- "Now that my brother is gone, things"
- "are ______ at my house."
- ""
- "severe"
- "harsh"
- "The teacher's severe expression showed"
- "his disapproval."
- ""
- "Because Jim's crime was small, the"
- "punishment was not ______."
- ""
- "supreme"
- "highest"
- "The king is the supreme ruler of his"
- "country."
- ""
- "Unlike the medieval days, the Queen"
- "of England is not the country's"
- "_______ ruler."
- "urgent"
- "demanding immediate attention"
- "When the doctor received an urgent"
- "call, he responded promptly."
- ""
- "We needed an ambulance very badly;"
- "the situation was ______."
- ""
- "valiant"
- "full of courage"
- "The brave pioneers were strong and "
- "valiant."
- ""
- "The hero's _______ effort saved the"
- "day for his country."
- ""
- ge"
- "The brave pioneers were strong and "
- "valiant."
- ""
- "The hero's _______ ef